Notarization Timing Out

I'm trying to notarize an Objective-C app I've written in Xcode 15. I've mostly been following this guide:

I got the Developer ID Application and Developer ID Installer certificates from Apple developer. I made sure hardened runtime was on in Xcode and chose Developer ID Application under the signing settings before archiving and exporting. After setting up my notarytool profile, I used "xcrun notarytool submit" to submit for notarization.

This first attempt went over 24 hours and still said "In Progress" so I cancelled it.

For my second attempt I built an installer pkg for my app signed with my Developer ID Installer certificate. I submitted this for notarization with "xcrun notarytool submit" and after over 24 hours of "in progress' it returned "the request timed out".

What am I doing wrong in the sign/notarize process?

Why aren't you using Xcode to notarize your app? That is, in the Organizer window, select the archive, click Distribute App, and when it asks for the method of distribution, select Developer ID. There are some situations where one must use notarytool manually, but it doesn't sound like you're in one of those situations.

When I try this doing it this way, after I click Distribute App, the only option under "method of distribution" is "Custom". After choosing Custom, I can choose between Built Products and Archive. I don't see any notarization options.

When you see the archive in the Organizer window, is it described as an app archive or a generic archive? If it’s the latter, see this article:

Notarization Timing Out