XCUITests running incredibly slow with Xcode 15.3

Sometime recently our XCUITests started to hang after awhile and so I had filed this Feedback ticket.

With the release of Xcode 15.3 I re-ran the test in the project I had attached to that Feedback ticket (which taps a "Go!" button which pushes a new view controller and then verifies the value of a UILabel) and the tests are running crazy slow on a device now running iOS 17.4.

It has been half an hour and only 14 of 100 iterations have been run.

Anyone else experience severe performance degradation in their XCUITests with Xcode 15.3?

I rebooted the device again and uninstalled all previously installed test apps and now tests are running normally again.

Interesting- seems like your device got into an odd state, but glad to hear it is working again

XCUITests running incredibly slow with Xcode 15.3