WKWebView cookies management

Problem statement- WKWebView cookies management. We need to clone the connection used by the WKWebView to the same end point, this connection utilize cookies for routing and missing even one the cookies will end up with a wrong route to be used. It appears that when retrieving the cookies from the WKWebView connection some cookies are missing. From some analysis seems that the missing cookies all have in common a value containing special characters. The question for Apple is if they are going to relax the constraint on cookies value to allow such cookies to be used.

Technical Description:- We are using WKWebView. There are some cookies being set during server connection. We are retrieving all cookies using 'getAllCookies' method of WKWebview. Sometime its not giving correct set of cookies in case if there are any special characters in any cookie. For example - Cookie- ss2QKagAdkAV3My1pnKElaFDnQ6lxhgqNbD03IaRbX6WfDz2+P9dT6DdlK8G5WIH3svEATnehZSmWGQ3QFTnew==\n

It contains special character "+ = !".

Hi Apple Team,

Can you advise some solution for above mentioner issue.

Regards, Priyanka Singh

WKWebView cookies management