Xcode behave differently on SPM between Package project and iOS project.

I'm now developing a iOS project and a SPM package project, which both depend on another swift package stored in a private repo.

Our private repo has a non-default ssh port, so for commandline tools, I configured like this:

// .ssh/config
Host repo.private.com
User git
Port 20022
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
PreferredAuthentications publickey
AddKeysToAgent yes

And I modified defaults to disable xcode integrated git:

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode IDEPackageSupportUseBuiltinSCM YES

For the Package project, I can simply use:

.package(url: "git@repo.private.com:some-repo.git", from: "0.0.1"),

and it works well.

But for iOS project, I tried to add the dependency, and finally find out I have to configure the port, then the project packages shows as: ssh://git@repo.private.com:20022/some-repo.git

So does xcode treat these project differently and use different toolchains? Is it possible to configure xcode and make these situation behave exactly?

Xcode behave differently on SPM between Package project and iOS project.