WKWebView changes page off "delete" key

I have the following set, but the WKWebView is losing the page content that I'm updating in a given page whenever the user presses the "delete" key. This is in SwiftUI, and I see no way to intercept and block this key.

webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = false

Isn't the whole point of setting this flag, to not just have "swipe" navigation stop, but all back/forward support stop? Also with the backForwardList immutable, it's not like I can delete an entry from it.

So "delete" key does back, and "shift+delete" key does forward with no way to override or block this. Then my users lose all context, since the opening page is an empty splash screen that they're not supposed to be able to return to in the history.

WKWebView changes page off "delete" key