SwiftData using Predicate on an Array

Hello all, I am struggling with a Predicate in SwiftData, not sure if that is not yet supported but maybe I am on the wrong path.. I have a class which contains an Array of Strings (Tags) which I want to search on, so I need to filter this array with a Predicate but I can't get it to work, any suggestions?

Here is the code:

  • Class
class Tasks {
    var taskTitle: String = "x"
    var taskDueDate: Date = Date.now
    var taskDetails: String = "x"
    var taskCompleted: Bool = false
    var taskTags: [String]? = [] 
    var taskAddingDate: Date = Date.now

    init(taskTitle: String, taskAddedDate: Date, taskDetails: String, taskCompleted: Bool, taskTags:[String]? = nil, taskAddingDate: Date) {
        self.taskTitle = taskTitle
        self.taskDueDate = taskAddedDate
        self.taskDetails = taskDetails
        self.taskCompleted = taskCompleted
        self.taskTags = taskTags
        self.taskAddingDate = taskAddingDate

Predicate I have so far (it is compiling and it runs without any problems but it is not returning anything) If I leave the searchString empty I get all the tasks, so filtering with the searchString is not woking.

init(sortSelection: SortOptionTasks, addTask: Binding<Bool>, completedTask: Binding<Bool>, searchString: String, sortOrder: [SortDescriptor<Tasks>] = []) {
        self.sortSelection = sortSelection
        self._addTask = addTask
        self._completedTask = completedTask

        _task = Query(filter: #Predicate { task in
            if searchString.isEmpty {
            } else {
                task.taskTags!.contains {
                    $0 == searchString
                } ==  true
        } , sort: sortOrder)


if you use collections of value types, e.g. [String], SwiftData will save that directly inside a single property too. Right now it’s encoded as binary property list data, which means you can’t use the contents of your array in a predicate.

More: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftdata/using-structs-and-enums-in-swiftdata-models