SwiftUI View Processing on CoreData deleteObject

How can one avoid SwiftUI processing of views referencing a CoreData entity that has been deleted?

I've taken to 'wrapping' View body's with the following:

struct ManagedObjectDeleteWrapper<Object, Root> : View 
  where Object : NSManagedObject, Root : View {
    var object: Object
    var root: (Object) -> Root

    var body: some View {
        Group {
            if object.isFault { EmptyView() }
            else { root (object) }

like such:

struct GameView: View {
   @EnvironmentObject private var game: Game

   var body: some View {
        ManagedObjectDeleteWrapper (object: game) { _ in
            // Show `game` attributes and relationships

but this has become quite tedious. It is not as simple a wrapping the 'top-level' view (in my App, three or so TabViews), but one must wrap multiple subviews if they also reference game.

How can I approach this short of using game.isFault or ManagedObjectDeleteWrapper everywhere?

I'm cognizant that perhaps my 'view flow' is leading to this problem; is there a generic approach to view hierarchies that avoids the problem? Maybe 'only delete an object from a list view; only show the object content view a navigation link on that list view' ? My current design has three tab views showing game content and one tab showing 'competitions' (as set of games); a game is deleted from the competitions tab... and if that game is being displayed all the other tab views are invalid.

SwiftUI View Processing on CoreData deleteObject