CARP violation when calling AudioUnitSetProperty on Silicon Macbook

I'm developing an iOS application that uses Core Audio. When I'm running the app on Silicon Macbook, the first time I call AudioUnitSetProperty the following error is logged:

CARP violation: using HAL semantics (AUIOImpl_Base)

Are others getting this, and is this part of normal process?

I'm also getting AQMEIO_HAL.cpp:862 kAudioDevicePropertyMute returned err 2003332927 when I set kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO for input.

The full stack trace was flagging the post as sensitive, but let's see if I can post it as comment

0  	       0x198aad9cc	HandleCARPViolation + 212
1  	       0x10ddaea24	AUNewPitchFactory + 7284
2  	       0x10ddb84f4	AUNewPitchFactory + 46916
... and my code shows up here

The stack trace would continue, but figuring out which exact part is sensitive language feels a bit too much now.

I don't know if this is any help to you, but 2003332927 is 'who?', or kCMIOHardwareUnknownPropertyError.

In case you don't know, you can paste the number into the calculator app on macOS, use cmd-3 to display the programmers calculator and clock the little ASCII button.

Are you using AudioObjectHasProperty before calling AudioUnitSetProperty?

Thank you, I knew that. The problem is that I'm not setting kAudioDevicePropertyMute. This is an iOS app running on compatibility layer in macOS and iOS does not even have that property available. I am setting kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO which exists, and is required for starting input. It also seems that no matter which order I set the properties, setting the first one always triggers this error message.

The full stack trace:

CARP violation: using HAL semantics (AUIOImpl_Base)
0  	       0x19c3e59cc	HandleCARPViolation + 212
1  	       0x108fdea24	AUNewPitchFactory + 7284
2  	       0x108fe84f4	AUNewPitchFactory + 46916
My code goes here

...and the bottom part:

CARP violation: using HAL semantics (AUIOImpl_Base)
3  	       0x108ffc7e8	AUMultibandCompressorFactory + 3716
4  	       0x108ffc758	AUMultibandCompressorFactory + 3572
5  	       0x108fe0cdc	AUNewPitchFactory + 16172
6  	       0x108fe0460	AUNewPitchFactory + 14000
7  	       0x108fe3e64	AUNewPitchFactory + 28852
8  	       0x1090b2f00	AUNotQuiteSoSimpleTimeFactory + 21788
9  	       0x1090b8278	AUNotQuiteSoSimpleTimeFactory + 43156
10 	       0x18e7b7050	AudioUnitSetProperty + 548

Looks like AUPitchFactory followed by AUMultibandCompressorFactory was the naughty part, but in separate posts they are fine.

Hello, did you ever solve this? I saw this error for a while, and nothing ever bad happened. But now I want to use head tracking in my app and it seems this error is somehow stopping the motion updates from AirPods Pro… Thanks! Marc-André

CARP violation when calling AudioUnitSetProperty on Silicon Macbook