privacy manifest for static library framework

i have a code only static library framework and added PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file inside.
because there are no resources required in runtime,
app using that framework can build without embedding.
finally there are no PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file in app bundle.

is this correct intended operation?
some steps to propagate and merge static framework's privacy manifest to app's privacy manifest not needed?

Answered by ForumsContributor in

So I think the static library is one with the app and I chose to add it to the app's PrivacyInfo...

Hi @matkitjet @kimjitae,

If we have static framework then we don't include the PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy in the bundle? this will be included as part of the app itself?


I've often seen the opinion that static libraries can't add 'PrivacyInfo'.

I don't know how to respond to Privacy Manifest.

I thought I wouldn't have to add static libraries because they're code (or add them to the app's 'PrivacyInfo' instead)

But I don't know the answer clearly.

If your static library needs a privacy manifest, create a new static framework that includes your static library's source files in Xcode, add the privacy manifest to the framework, then distribute the framework as a signed XCFramework. Apps using the XCframework need to embed it in the app's bundle.

To create a static framework, create a new framework target in Xcode, then set its Mach-O type build setting to Static library.

@DTS Engineer How can I change the static library I created with C and c++ to xcframework?

@DTS Engineer what does that mean If your static library needs a privacy manifest, does it mean the library or SDK are not need to add privacy manifest? (if it does not collects data and does not use required reason API at all?)

@DTS Engineer

If I test it

Even if I set up "Mach-O type build settings for static libraries"

If I don't set the 'Embed' option in my app, I won't recognize Privacy Manifest.

Accepted Answer

Apple has updated the documentation some time in the last week. The answer might be in the new page:

privacy manifest for static library framework