Main.storyboard and Info.plist suddenly missing

This morning I opened an app in Xcode 15 and find that info.plist and main.storyboard have gone missing -- I see a blank screen when Main or Info is selected in the Navigator. Tabs at the top of the screen as they should be.

The app builds and runs as it should in the Simulator.

I was working the app not to long ago and the storyboard and info.plist were visible as they should be. Can someone suggest what the problem might be and how to troubleshoot?

Thanks in advance.

MacMini M1 Sonoma 14.0, Xcode Version 15.2 (15C500b)


After experimenting a bit I think the issue may be related to differences related to app.xcodeworkspace and app.xcodeproj files. If I open the latter the Main storyboard it visible. If I open the former the Main storyboard is not visible.

Since my app uses the CocoaMQTT pod, I need the app.xcodeworkspace to work.

I also note that Version 15.2 (15C500b) is a relatively recent release. Perhaps the 15.3 beta will fix it -- I'm looking into that possibility.

Assuming you have the files backed up somewhere, did you try removing the storyboard from the workspace and re-adding it?

@myuncle Good idea, thanks. I tried removing and then adding the file. Alas, no change.

15.3 beta does not fix the problem.

Seems buggy for sure. How about if you try adding a new plist or storyboard? Do those show up?

Creating a new storyboard does not solve the problem.

Another clue: I notice that when I go to View>Show Library the normal UI elements are not listed. The tabs in the library dialogue are "code snippets", "media", and "color"

  • I had to come to the conclusion that the project file was corrupted in some strange way.

    I created a new project, imported my swift files and reinstalled the CocaMQTT pod. I then recreated the Main.storyboard and now all works as it should. A pain, but at least the view layouts were simple.

  • Good to know that you got it to work. If you're really curious, try diffing the workspace files to see what's different.

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