In safari for IOS17 audio is broken

Hello community, first post I hope to meet the guidelines.

I am developing a web site that uses a library that involves audio playback.

This playback is accompanied by an animated canva, and in the IOS17 version in safari, this does not work. The audio is muted and the canva does not animate.

However, in ios16 safari it works perfectly.

I have also tried in safari on MacOs and ipadOs and it works, which makes me see that the problem is with ios 17 safari.

The library in question is this:

I don't think the failure is in the library since it works as I said in all other platforms.

Specifically the code is here: and makes me think that some HTML element is being incompatible.

It is necessary to emphasize that in ios17 it does not work, but it does not appear any error in console.

I would love to get help or know if this is a bug to report it.

In safari for IOS17 audio is broken