Xcode Cloud git push does not trigger a build at all?


I was able to setup Xcode Cloud and build manually without problems. Also, GitHub integration with Xcode works, I can commit and push changes to my GitHub repo.

Unfortunately, I am not able to trigger a Xcode Cloud build by pushing changes to my repo. Tried git push via Xcode 15.2 and via command line. The push itself always works.

I was under the impression this should "just work", if the workflow includes a start condition set to Branch Changes, Any Branch, no custom conditions. I have one single branch.

Fails silently, no visible activity, neither in Xcode nor in the App Connect portal.

Any ideas? Am I missing something?

Best regards

I have the same issue. I'm not sure if I'm missing a step.

For the last 48h hours I have tried to get it to work with no success (including disconnecting, deleting all Xcode Cloud data etc. and starting from scratch). Whereas yesterday evening it did not work, today it miraculously started to work after a push.

One thing I have noticed: previously, when I was starting a workflow manually, I had to select "All" rather than "Mine" - see picture. Now the main branch is showing up as "Mine".

It started to work for me today. No idea why, unfortunately. Does your issue persist? And are you seeing your branch as yours, or do you have to select "All" as in my reply below?

Xcode Cloud git push does not trigger a build at all?