SwiftData many-to-many relationship doesn't populate the inverse.

I am using SwiftData in my iOS app and I created 2 models:

class Track {
    // ...

    var artists: [Artist]

    // ...

    init(artists: [Artist] = []) {
        self.artists = artists

class Artist {
    // ...

    @Relationship(inverse: \Track.artists) var tracks: [Track]

    // ...

    init() {
        self.tracks = []

And I populate my container like this:

// MyApp.swift

import SwiftUI
import SwiftData

struct NyxApp: App {
    // TODO: handle exception
    let container = try! ModelContainer(for: Track.self, Artist.self)
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

// Function to add debug data

    let artist = Artist(
        // ...

    let track = Track(
        // ...
        artists: [artist],
        // ...
    try! context.save()

The Track entity stores the Artist in Track.artists temporarily, but when I restart the app, the array is empty. The Artist.tracks array won't even get populated after inserting the track. I didn't find much useful information about many-to-many relationships that would explain my issue.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

SwiftData many-to-many relationship doesn't populate the inverse.