MV-HEVC/Spatial Video Reading and Rendering Articles

I don't know when these were posted, but I noticed them in the AVFoundation documentation last night. There have been a lot of questions about working with this format, and these are useful. They also include code samples.

Reading multiview 3D video files:

Converting side-by-side 3D video to multiview HEVC:


Also, I ran across this post about creating a simple immersive 360º media player:

Note that the same technique can be used to project 180º media if you provide hemispherical geometry.

By the way, it looks like there's a small bug in the side-by-side example code. In Coverter.swift around line 130, the else block that marks frameInput as finished should be in response to a nil sampleBuffer. Otherwise, the conversion will never end. To fix it, just move that else block to be a condition of the "if let sampleBuffer" logic (essentially un-indenting the logic one level...while fixing-up the parenthesis, of course).