Privacy manifest missing in third-party SDK used in App

In my project, I am using a third-party SDK called "SwiftyJSON" which is not maintained or updated since April 2019. So in such cases where the third-party SDKs are not updated with a PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy will it affect the app release in Appstore or in such cases is there any way to bypass non-maintained SDK?

SwiftyJSON is an open-source thing from github, right?

So why do you think you need a privacy manifest for it? You've got the source.

Edited to add: sorry, I see it is actually on the list at . I find that surprising. Does it have a history of misbehaviour, or something?

The SDK I use has the same problem, have you already released the app??

Actually, I am more concerned about it, such as the SDK missing privacy manifest , but should I add the necessary API declaration in the privacy manifest in my main project to fix it ???

SwiftyJSON has fixed this issue. Check out the latest updates.

If there are more libraries that have been interrupted, you should check.

1. Verify that the library requires PrivacyManifest.

  • you submit the app where the library was used to TestFlight for verification. Apple will send you an email if you have any issues.

  • If you don't have an app, check out the library yourself.

2. If you don't have anything to write about, you don't need PrivacyManifest.

3. If you need to fill out something in the Library PrivacyInfo, choose from the following methods.

  • Keep in touch with your library developer for updates.
  • Fork the library to add PrivacyInfo.
  • In the app's PrivacyInfo, type the type that the library has.
  • I think the third method would be the simplest.
Privacy manifest missing in third-party SDK used in App