New 'Same Here' button on the forum

I've noticed there is a new 'Same Here' button showing on any post (except your own posts).

I first thought it was a link to a similar question… Specially when the button just says 'Same here' without any badge value. But no, it is just similar to a like…

I guess the goal is to avoid and speed up instead of posting a reply or a comment 'Same here'.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to undo and no way to know who posted.

As your own posts do not show the button, does it mean you cannot know how many share the same issue than the one you posted ? If so, that's bizarre. Hope it will show the counter at least when it is non zero.

Let me see how many 'Same here' on this post… .

I think it just let me “same here” your post while not logged in.

Now I am logged in and tapped it, and it is spinning forever.

Doesn’t that hand symbol.mean “stop” or “no entry”? It reminds me of American construction sites.

Definitely (probably) a bug let you do Same here when not logged in. I’d expect it to prompt you to log in, as when you hit Reply or Add a Comment when not logged in.

I think the icon represents raising your hand for attention, like the Raise Hand reaction you can do in a Zoom call.

does it mean you cannot know how many share the same issue than the one you posted ?

No, I saw the 'Same here' on this post once. But only if I'm not logged in… Just as if in this case, I'm not recognised as the author. Seems there is a bug or a bizarre design.

I filed a bug report: Feb 9, 2024 at 2:17 PM – FB13601071

Hi lol I've just click the same here , I believe this button is to just say that you are not alone thinking about this and I agree for you own post it doesn't make sense to see the button but at least to see the number of people whom have the same issues as the post, I believe this is for APPLE to look at the most same here and try to answer those first kind of a "" oo there is 150 same here on this issues looks like we need to release a new Beta update or fix our bugs lol" Sharp eye, I did not see that my own post do not have this same here button

New 'Same Here' button on the forum