Is it possible to set a keyboardShortcut using the return key on an Alert?

I have the following code that works well if you tap the escape key to cancel, but whether I use .defaultAction, or select .return, modifiers: [] neither work. I also have multiple alerts I am trying to use the return key for whenever they appear. Does anyone know how I can accomplish setting the action to be taken on an alert to the return? I also wonder does having it be a destructive action matter whether a keyboardShortcut modifier works or not? Thanks for any help. You rock!

.alert("Alert User", isPresented: $isButtonTapped) {
            Button("No", role: .cancel) {
                isButtonTapped = false
            .keyboardShortcut(.escape, modifiers: [])
            Button("Yes", role: .destructive) {
                isButtonTapped = false
        } message: {
            Text("Are you sure you want to do this? This action resets everything.")
Is it possible to set a keyboardShortcut using the return key on an Alert?