Live Activity Text Style Issue in iOS Simulator's lock screen (iOS 17.2)


iOS Version: 17.2 iOS Simulator Version: 17.2 Xcode Version: 15.2 Device: iPhone 15 Pro Max App Target Version: iOS 17.2


App with Live Activity feature is installed. Device/Simulator is running iOS 17.2.

Steps to Reproduce:

Start the app and initiate a Live Activity with text styled as .timer. Lock the device screen or switch to the lock screen view in the iOS Simulator. Observe the Live Activity on the lock screen, noting the text style. Unlock the device. This time noting the .timer changed its style.

The text style of the Live Activity remains consistent both on the lock screen and after unlocking the device, maintaining its .timer style throughout its lifecycle.


Occurs every time the steps are reproduced.

Bump. This is happening to me too with the 15 Pro.

Any workaround yet @Qwadrox ?

This happens to me as well, have not been able to figure out yet. I'm trying to reproduce the Timer app live activity behavior where for example a "2:37" minutes timer switches to "2:--" when the display sleeps

I've discovered that using Text(timerInterval:) and setting countsDown=true achieves the same effect as the native Timer when the screen locks

Live Activity Text Style Issue in iOS Simulator's lock screen (iOS 17.2)