MenuActionDismissBehaviour .disabled "unavailable" Xcode 15.2


Within my app, I am building a menu and don't want it to close with every click. When you click start, I want the menu to remain open etc. I have searched the documentation and this seems like exactly what I want. I am still very new to Swift so potentially making a silly mistake.


I have decided to play with just example code from the documentation and use within my ContextView file.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var count = 0
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Menu("Font size") {
                Button(action: {count += 1}) {
                    Label("Increase", systemImage: "plus.magnifyingglass")
                Button("Reset", action: {count = 0})
                Button(action: {count -= 1}) {
                    Label("Decrease", systemImage: "minus.magnifyingglass")

#Preview {

Xcode keeps saying "disabled" is unavailable in MacOS. I am a bit confused as the documentation says it can work from MacOS 13.3+. I am using the latest OS, latest Xcode etc.

Very confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

The disabled enum isn't available under macos. The other enums list it.

@jlilest ah ok thankyou! I missed that. Do you know any other ways of implementing the functionality I am after? Getting that kind of more fine-grain control. I am building a menu bar application and it’s just a bit inconvenient having to keep reopening the menu after clicking an action. Thanks in advance :)

Yes, as jlilest states, disabled isn't available on macOS for whatever reason. You are correct that MenuActionDismissBehavior is available on macOS 13.3+, but the dismiss behaviour disabled is not supported on macOS:

[@Matt Cox]( Cox) Thank you for your reply! I missed that. Do you know any other ways of implementing the functionality I am after? Getting that kind of more fine-grain control. I am building a menu bar application and it’s just a bit inconvenient having to keep reopening the menu after clicking an action. Thanks in advance :)

MenuActionDismissBehaviour .disabled "unavailable" Xcode 15.2