can i confirm an in-app purchase on server?

first, i am new with apple in-app purchase.

in-app purchase step (is this right?):

  1. front processing in-app purchase.
  2. front send receipt data to validate on server (server get transaction to check it)
  3. confirm purchase to apple

the 3rd step i know that front can confirm the purchase.

my question:

  • from the the 3rd step, can server confirm it after validated?
  • if it can, how do i imprement it?

once there was verifyReceipt endpoint, which was deprecated.

But I think your flow seems right. The thing is there is no information in JWSTransactionDecodedPayload about whether the client has ended the transaction or not as far as I see. Additionally this is for consumables, check for also subscriptions and notifications inside the APIs.

can i confirm an in-app purchase on server?