Xcode Playground

Hello everyone,

Is there a way to set the minimum deployment target in Xcode Playground?

Accepted Reply

Hi, yes, you can modify the Package.swift file included in your playground. It is normally not accessible within Xcode / Swift Playgrounds but you can edit it if you show the playground's contents in Finder. This file's names comes from Swift packages (Playgrounds are essentially a special type of Swift Package).

Be aware that this file is automatically generated, so there may be chances for it to be overwritten when you change playground's settings, as the warning at the top of it suggests (I would also like more insight into this if somebody else knows - is editing the minimum target version or the target resources a good practice, or is it at risk to be overwritten? From my testings, it seems to work fine with changing the target resources).

Check this thread for ideas on how to support older iOS versions in your code, or modify your Package.swift file like I explained above.

If this is for the Swift Student Challenge (as your tag suggests), I'm not sure if it's okay to modify the minimum target version. Perhaps the judges will have the latest version of iPadOS / macOS, but currently the website says the following:

"Your app playground must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.4 or later (requires iPadOS 16 or macOS 13.5) or Xcode 15 on macOS 13.5 or later. You may incorporate the use of Apple Pencil."


  • Hi Thank you for your feedback. I currently solved with this tag everywhere "@available(iOS 17, *)". I use multiple new features like SwiftData in my App. But I'm not sure if the judges test the app with iPadOS 17. For me it sounds that you need to have at least iPadOS 16 or later. But it's not clear for me. What do you think?

  • Yeah, I am not sure either - maybe more details will appear in the full terms and conditions. Perhaps you can start a new thread for this and someone from Apple might be able to answer.

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Hi, yes, you can modify the Package.swift file included in your playground. It is normally not accessible within Xcode / Swift Playgrounds but you can edit it if you show the playground's contents in Finder. This file's names comes from Swift packages (Playgrounds are essentially a special type of Swift Package).

Be aware that this file is automatically generated, so there may be chances for it to be overwritten when you change playground's settings, as the warning at the top of it suggests (I would also like more insight into this if somebody else knows - is editing the minimum target version or the target resources a good practice, or is it at risk to be overwritten? From my testings, it seems to work fine with changing the target resources).

Check this thread for ideas on how to support older iOS versions in your code, or modify your Package.swift file like I explained above.

If this is for the Swift Student Challenge (as your tag suggests), I'm not sure if it's okay to modify the minimum target version. Perhaps the judges will have the latest version of iPadOS / macOS, but currently the website says the following:

"Your app playground must be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.4 or later (requires iPadOS 16 or macOS 13.5) or Xcode 15 on macOS 13.5 or later. You may incorporate the use of Apple Pencil."


  • Hi Thank you for your feedback. I currently solved with this tag everywhere "@available(iOS 17, *)". I use multiple new features like SwiftData in my App. But I'm not sure if the judges test the app with iPadOS 17. For me it sounds that you need to have at least iPadOS 16 or later. But it's not clear for me. What do you think?

  • Yeah, I am not sure either - maybe more details will appear in the full terms and conditions. Perhaps you can start a new thread for this and someone from Apple might be able to answer.

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Last year’s Swift Student Challenge T&Cs said:

Your app playground must be fully functioning, and be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.2.1 on iPadOS 16 or macOS 13 or Xcode 14 on macOS 13. You may incorporate the use of Apple Pencil.

That was the latest stuff as of early 2023.

While we won’t know for such until the 2024 T&Cs are published — Swift Student Challenge > Eligibility indicates that it’ll be in February — I expect they’ll have similar requirements, that is, all the latest stuff as of early 2024. Presuming that, you won’t need to play games with deployment targets.

IMPORTANT Don’t rely on this presumption. Check the final T&Cs when they’re published.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

  • Thank you very much for your answer. I'll definitely check out the T&Cs when they are published.

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