Tracking domains in privacy manifest still causing faults in network capture


I've run an Instruments network capture of our iOS app and the Points of Interest track lists faults due to undisclosed tracking domains. For example which is used by Firebase causes the fault:

Fault: is not listed in your app's NSPrivacyTrackingDomain key in any privacy manifest. It may be following users across multiple apps and websites to create a profile about users of apps that contact this domain.

However my PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file contains (API and Nutrition info omitted):

  • NSPrivacyTracking: true
  • NSPrivacyTrackingDomains:

So I'm surprised the fault is still occurring.

Is it because the call is coming from a 3rd party SDK (Firebase)? I'll be removing this entry once a compliant Firebase SDK is released but figured it should still work.

I've checked that the IPA contains PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy, and that I'm able to generate a privacy report.

I'm using Xcode 15.0, iOS 17.1.

Hi sbenfold, based on your description, the faults shouldn't be reported in Instruments anymore. Adding the domain like you did to NSPrivacyTrackingDomains should be enough to be considered an expected request and not cause a fault. This looks like a bug. Can you please file a feedback report and attach as many details as you can to reproduce this? For example, if you can reproduce this with a basic sample app that uses the Firebase SDK, attaching such a sample would be very helpful for us to get to the bottom of this.

I have the same problem

I have the same problem.

How can I check if PrivacyInfo has been added to IPA?

I'm experiencing the same problem. In the event of Apple unable to fix the bug in time for the Spring 2024 deadline (for app submissions implementing privacy manifest) should the app developers assume that their apps declaring the privacy domains would be accepted ?

How can I check if PrivacyInfo has been added to IPA?

Organizer->Generate Privacy Report


I faced the same problem. I added Privacy Tracking Domains list on PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and then used Instruments to test the Faults of Points of Interest. These faults should be dismissed but it still appeared. If someone can help me figure out what I missed or there is the bug from Apple. Thanks.

+1 same here

This seems to be still happening with xcode 15.3. If anyone has resolved it, please share.

I had to update Facebook & Firebase sdks to versions that have privacy manifests in addition to adding domains to my privacy plist to make FAULT messages go away

I'm facing the same problem that the domain is showing up as an error in the profiler. I upgraded version of Firebase to the newest one, but this does not help, tell me what could be the problem?

Hi guys,

We're facing the same problems. We've released an update of our app with the Privacy Manifest and all our tracking domains listed in the "Privacy Tracking Domains" section. Since the release of this version we have a very important loss of our tracking !! We're using Batch, Instana, BlueCore, Firebase and all of them are impacted !!! Some SDK have faced a big range version update but some had just minor updates and are also impacted.

Tracking domains in privacy manifest still causing faults in network capture