Cannot build project that has multiple targets with the same settings and phases, but different teams and bundle id


I'm trying to create some targets of my project with the exact source code, Info.plist, build settings, build phases, extensions, copied files, tests, etc like this:

I've also created some schemes so we can toggle the targets by picking the scheme like this:

I've set all of these targets with the same value instead of getting it from their $TARGET, $PRODUCT_BUNDLE_ID, etc:

  1. Info plist file = bimb-authenticate-ios/Info.plist
  2. Project Module Name = bimb_authenticate_ios
  3. Bundle Display name = BIMBAuthenticator

I've added the targets in the Podfile like so:

But when I tried building it, I;ve got these "Multiple commands" errors:

Can you tell me what I did wrong here? Thank you.