Privacy Accessed API reason 1C8F.1 not available in Xcode 15.2

Hi community,

i am updating the PrivacyInfo file of our app. Our app has multiple extensions, some of them accessing the UserDefaults. Because of that I want to set the Privacy Accessed API Type to a value of 1C8F.1. However, from the drop down menu for possible values, the value for code 1C8F.1 is not available. It does not show up in the list.

Can I just manually edit the underlying xml file and just add <string>1C8F.1</string> to the array for NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons and expect it to work or will this cause issues when submitting our app to the app review?

Can I just manually edit the underlying xml file

You can also just type the string freeform into the cell. There seems to be no validation during that step.

This is still not an option.

I was having this same issue, and noticed that an Xcode update had been available for a while already. Updating to 15.3 (15E204a) resolved the issue for me, and I see the same four options available for UserDefaults (CA92.1, 1C8F.1, C56D.1 and AC6B.1), as listed in Apple's documentation

Just noting this in case somebody else comes across this thread, who is also on an older Xcode version.

Thx, this helps.

Privacy Accessed API reason 1C8F.1 not available in Xcode 15.2