TipKit Tip popover only shows one time.

                        try Tips.resetDatastore()
                        try Tips.configure(
                                // Reset which tips have been shown and what parameters have been tracked, useful during testing and for this sample project
                                // When should the tips be presented? If you use .immediate, they'll all be presented whenever a screen with a tip appears.
                                // You can adjust this on per tip level as well

struct UserTip: Tip {
    static let hoverEvent: Event = Event(id: "hoverEvent")
    @Parameter var isHovering: Bool = false
    static var tipCountKey = "UserTipCount"

    var title: Text
    var message: Text?
    var image: Image?
    var tipShownLimit: Int
    var options: [Option] {
        // Show this tip 5 times.
    var rules: [Rule] {
        #Rule($isHovering) {
                $0 == true

struct ShowPopoverTip: View {
    @State private var tip = UserTip(
        title: Text("the title"),
        message: Text("the message here"),
        image: Image(systemName: "volleyball.fill"),
        tipShownLimit: 10

    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {

        }) {
            Text("Hover over me")
        .onAppear {
        .onHover { hovering in
            if hovering {
                tip.isHovering = true
                print("tip.status: \(tip.status)")
                print("tip.isHovering: \(tip.isHovering)")
                print("tip.shouldDisplay: \(tip.shouldDisplay)")
                tip.isHovering = false
                print("tip.isHovering: \(tip.isHovering)")

The popover only works once, even though I have set it to Tips.MaxDisplayCount(5) Either the Tip is getting invalidated or popovers only show once.

debug output:

tip.isHovering: true
tip.shouldDisplay: false
tip.isHovering: false
tip.status: pending
tip.isHovering: true
tip.shouldDisplay: false
tip.isHovering: false

btw, if I remove the Tips.resetDatastore(), it still shows once each time I launch the app.

After the tip shows once, are you dismissing it (by tapping its close button)? If so, then it is working correctly. Once a tip is dismissed by the user, it will not appear again as the dismissal is persistent. If you're not dismissing the tip by tapping its close button, then I'm curious how and when it is being dismissed.

TipKit Tip popover only shows one time.