Swift2: unable to infer closure type in the current context

In Swift 2 this code generates error:

    private lazy var _keyGenerationController = KeyGeneration(nibName: "KeyGeneration", bundle: nil)

Removing lazy or explicitly annotating the type suppresses this error:

    private var _keyGenerationController = KeyGeneration(nibName: "KeyGeneration", bundle: nil)


    private lazy var _keyGenerationController: KeyGeneration = KeyGeneration(nibName: "KeyGeneration", bundle: nil)

What's happening?

A parsing bug, I think. I ran into it with this code...

final class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate, NSWindowDelegate {
   lazy var preferences: Preferences = Preferences(windowNibName: Preferences.nibName)

If I remove the ": Preferences" thinking that the type will be inferred an error is generated about an unexpected trailing closure.

I just ran into (apparently) the same problem. This compiled OK:

static var speechSynthesizer = NSSpeechSynthesizer (voice: nil)!

but this gave me the error about inferring the type:

static var speechSynthesizer = {
let result = NSSpeechSynthesizer (voice: nil)!
result.delegate = delegate
return result
} ()

and I had to add the type annotation explicitly.

Yep, this is a known bug (and often reported) where type inference isn't working properly with lazy properties. Adding the explicit type annotation is the best way to work around this for now.


Swift2: unable to infer closure type in the current context