Problem when adding AVPlayer to TabView

The following type of problem has appeared. I need to flip through the video. Imagine you have, say, 3 videos, and you can scroll through them and choose which video you want to watch.

For this, I decided to use a TabView with the .page style. But it turned out that it didn't work. And I found myself in a stupor.

The TabView itself starts to lag, the scrolling starts to lag, the videos do not start the first time, and sometimes the control panel does not even appear on some videos, which is why it is impossible to expand the video to full screen.

The code will be below, maybe someone has encountered this problem, how did he solve it, maybe there are some other options to make a similar logic?

let videos: [String] = ["burpee", "squat", "step-up", "sun-salute"]

    var body: some View {
        TabView {
            ForEach(videos, id: \.self) { videoName in
                VideoPlayerView(videoName: videoName)
                    .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25))
        .frame(width: 375, height: 230)

struct VideoPlayerView: View {
    let videoName: String

    var body: some View {
        if let videoURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: videoName, withExtension: "mp4") {
            VideoPlayerWrapper(player: AVPlayer(url: videoURL))
        } else {
            Text("No Video \(videoName)")

#Preview {
    VideoPlayerView(videoName: "squat")

struct VideoPlayerWrapper: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    let player: AVPlayer

    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> AVPlayerViewController {
        let controller = AVPlayerViewController()
        controller.player = player
        controller.showsPlaybackControls = true
        return controller

    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: AVPlayerViewController, context: Context) {}
.tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .always))

I forgot to add a style in the code. If you use it, then the problems that I described above begin

Problem when adding AVPlayer to TabView