NavigationSplitView: Make button clickable in detail-section safe area


I've tried to find a solution for this problem for weeks now but it seems no one knows how to solve it and Apple doesn't seem to care.

I have a NavigationSplitView with two columns. In the detail column I have a button - or any other clickable control - which is placed in the very top where usually the safe area resides.

The button is NOT clickable when he is in the safe area and I have NO idea why. I know I can place buttons in safe areas of other views and they are clickable.

Please have a look at the code:

`struct NavTestView: View {

var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { p in
        VStack(spacing: 0) {
            NavigationSplitView {
                List(names) {
                    Text($ p.size.width)
                }.listRowSpacing(p.size.height * 0.15 / 100 )
                    .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar)
            } detail: {
            }.frame(width: p.size.width, height: p.size.height, alignment: .topLeading)


struct TestView: View {

var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { p in
        let plusButton = IconButton(imageName: "", color: Color(uiColor: ThemeColor.SeaFoam.color),
                                    imageWidth: p.size.width * 5 / 100, buttonWidth: p.size.width * 5 / 100)
        let regularAddButton = Button(action: {"| Regular Add Button pressed") } ) {
        VStack {
        }.frame(width: p.size.width , height: p.size.height, alignment: .top)



this code produces the following screen:

Any help would be really greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


NavigationSplitView: Make button clickable in detail-section safe area