I'm creating a view which is scrollable and has Vstack which include tabView
what I'm facing that when I added the TabView in Vstack , it's vanished unless I specify the height for the TabView
and when I specify the height of the tabview any lazy view inside it , it loose it's laziness because I already specify the height which means it render all it's content in advance .
BTW I have to use tabview because I need the paging effect :
here's the full code
TabView(selection: $selectedIndex){
LazyVGrid(columns: columns2) {
ForEach(myItems.indices, id: \.self) { item in
.frame(height: 150)
.overlay {
}.frame(minHeight: 100)
// if I removed this line the tabview will disappear
// and if I specify a big number the lazyVgrid is no longer lazy