How to attach a struct to the main GameViewController?

How to attach a struct to the main GameViewController?

This struct occupies the top half of the main ViewController.

The goal is to have this struct be part of the main GameViewController and not in separate UIHostingController.

SO, when I rotate the main SKScene for example the struct also rotates OR when I switch SKScenes both the top-half struct and the bottom-half switch together because they are one SKScene.

The programmer who invented HStacks and VStacks is a blooming genius … but I need to avoid what I have now which is the HStack VStack combo closing and then its neighbors in the main SKScene closing.

Here are the essential code segments - all in my GameViewController:

Declared at the top:

var useGSO = false
var gsoChildVC: UIViewController!   // = UIHostingController

override func viewDidLoad() {


        "gso" = "Game Static Objects"
    if useGSO {
        // create a UIHostingController and extract a rootView for later processing
        gsoChildVC = UIHostingController(rootView: GameStaticObjects())
}   // viewDidLoad

Within my showScene():

func addGamePieces(toScene: SKScene) {
    if thisSceneName == "GameScene" {

        // various SKSpriteNodes

        // STATIC People, Animals and Buildings
        // are now added to the top of our SKScene
        addGSOChild(toScene: toScene)

    }   // if thisSceneName == "GameScene"
    else {
}   // addGamePieces

func addGSOChild(toScene: SKScene) {
    // gsoChildVC = nil *if* useGSO = false
    guard gsoChildVC == nil else {
        let gsoParentVC = self  // parent = us = GameViewController
        // default value
    //  gsoChildVC.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
        let sameWidth = gsoParentVC.view.bounds.width
        let newHeight = 0.5 * gsoParentVC.view.bounds.height
        let boundsWithNewBottom = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, sameWidth, newHeight)
        gsoChildVC.view.frame = boundsWithNewBottom
        // first, add the view of the hild to the view of the parent
        // then, add the child to the parent
        // notify the child ViewController that we're finished
        gsoChildVC.didMove(toParent: gsoParentVC)

}   // addGSOChild

func removeGSOChild() {
    // gsoChildVC = nil *if* useGSO = false
    guard gsoChildVC == nil else {
        // First, remove the Child from its Parent
        // Then, remove the Child's view from the Parent's
}   // removeGSOChild

As stated at the top of this OP, the HStack and Stack code appears great .. but the UIHostingController is distinct from my GameViewController. As a direct result, such operations as switching SKScenes is done in 2 halves - (1) the HStack and Stack top half and (2) whatever non-struct stuff appears below it.

If I switch SKScenes, I want both halves to switch as one entity.

FWIW, the struct that contains the HStack and Stack code is outside the GameViewController class as suggested by Apple.

and as specified above, I call:

gsoChildVC = UIHostingController(rootView: GameStaticObjects())

within my viewDidLoad() method.

I would love some basic guidance here as to what basic error I am making.