Not able to capture individual elements on the home screen of iOS17 device with xCode 15 and appium2

Not able to capture the individual elements on the iOS 17 device (using iPhone 14) using Appium inspector. It always capture/ highlight the entire home screen as one element. As per the Appium support team, this is an issue with XCTest framework. The getPageSource() method is loading indefinitely. Please refer below links-

I am using below configurations- MacBook AIR (Apple M2 2022) - Sonoma 14.1.2

Appium Version - 2.0.1

Appium Inspector - 2023.11.1

Available drivers:

xcuitest@5.11.8 (automationName 'XCUITest')
uiautomator2@2.34.2 (automationName 'UiAutomator2')
Node - v21.3.0
npm - 10.2.4
Xcode - Version 15.0.1 (15A507)

Could you please clarify if this is an existing/known issue or am I missing something?

Note - Let me know if any other information needed from my end for better clarity. I will appreciate your inputs on this. Thanks in advance!

Hello team , Is there any update on this ?

Not able to capture individual elements on the home screen of iOS17 device with xCode 15 and appium2