Is there a way to place a button between two Section rows?

I want a button that will invert the values between Text1 and Text2. But my problem is: I want its center to be at the center of the rows, so essentially it would be exactly where the divider lies.

Form {
      Section {
            Text("Text 1")
            // button goes here
            Text("Text 2")

I have tried a ZStack in Text1 with an offset, but this makes half of the button hide beneath Text2. I have also tried an overlay on Text 1 but the same thing happens, while an overlay on the entire Section gives me a button for each row.

I know there are ways to create my own "Section" view, but if there is a way to avoid this I would much prefer it because I find myself dealing with a lot of custom padding to attempt to resemble a real row, but it never looks the same.

Could you tell where exactly you want the Button to appear ?

The code for this display:

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section {
                Text("Text 1")
                Button(action: {
                }) {
                .frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width, height: 14, alignment: .center)

                Text("Text 2")

Like this

Is there a way to place a button between two Section rows?