Skip the "Save artifacts" step in Test action

Hi, we're trying to reduce the Xcode Cloud usage in our project, and in the logs of the "Test" action I can see that there's a "Save artifacts" step that takes quite a while (more than 10 minutes), and it looks like a "fixed cost" that's impossible to reduce by improving the build and the tests themselves.

In the "Artifacts" section of the Xcode Cloud build I can see that there a "Test Products" zip that's almost 5GB, which seems to be the cause of this slowness (I could verify that in other projects the same zip is smaller, and the "Save artifacts" step is much faster, as a result), but this seems a waste: we never need to download that "Test Products" zip, and its upload takes literally 10 fixed minutes from every single build with a "Test" action.

Is it possible to either stop uploading the "Test Products" zip? Or maybe to skip the "Save artifacts" step entirely?


Skip the "Save artifacts" step in Test action