403 errors when trying to download Xcode 15.1

Happens everywhere I try:

In the Apple developer portal, downloading results in a 403 error:


In the Mac app store, Xcode is gone. If I deep link to it via safari, I see the following error:

Same issues here Also tried installed the 15.1 RC, which worked, but it fails installing 17.2 Sims with a 403 error.

I also have the same issue. I was able to update to Xcode 5.1 (15C65) trough the App Store, but installing the iOS Simulator 17.2 fails with HTTP error code 403.

Solid work Apple.

Seems fixed for me now. I'm finally able to download the iOS Simulator 17.2.

3:18 PM EST, seems to be fixed for me (the developer portal link), App Store still broken.

XcodesApp and Xcodes CLI still seems to be broken, but I think thats an issue on their end.

Looks like Xcode can again be upgraded from the App Store.

403 errors when trying to download Xcode 15.1