Error:Ambiguous use of 'FamilyMembers'in line 25
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For your question: do we need to count ourselves ti find which is line 25 ?
I checked in Xcode, it is this one:
ForEach(FamilyMembers, id: \.name){ (FamilyMember) in
Reason is that you use the same name FamilyMembers for the struct and for the instance.
- so it is ambiguous
- and instances should start with lowercase.
So change the code as follows:
struct List_View: View {
struct FamilyMembers: Hashable {
let name: String
let thing: String
@State private var familyMembers = [ // <<-- lowerCase
FamilyMembers(name: "Dad", thing: "It is my Dad, he set's many rules that is annoying." ),
FamilyMembers(name: "Mum", thing: "It is my Mum, I love her,she always kiss me." ),
FamilyMembers(name: "Brother", thing: "It is my little brother, he is cute but naughty." ),
FamilyMembers(name: "grandpa", thing: "It is my grandfather, He often asks IQ qestions for me to answer." ),
FamilyMembers(name: "grandma", thing: "It is my grandmother, she is fun but serious." )
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ForEach(familyMembers, id: \.name){ familyMember in // <<-- lowerCase
VStack {
Text(familyMember.thing) // <<-- lowerCase and $familyMember, not $familyMembers
Text( // <<-- lowerCase and $familyMember, not $familyMembers
.navigationTitle("My Family Members")
- Note that Swift avoids using underscore: ListView is better than List_View
- for a better readability of your code, struct should be named FamilyMember and not FamilyMembers.
And don't forget to close the thread on the correct answer if that works now. Otherwise, explain what the remaining problem is.