XCODE 15.0.1 causes "different Team ID" when loading 3rd party framework

My app includes a 3rd party framework that is embedded. The version from the Mac App Store runs just fine on 14.1.2. When I rebuild a released version of my app with XCODE 15 it now produces a "different Team ID" error and will not load the 3rd party framework.

Eskimo talked about this problem in https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/126895

He provided a workaround, but that requires reducing the App security by turning off library validation. Since this was not necessary in XCODE 14 there is an error regarding 3rd party frameworks that was introduced in XCODE 15

I verified that when my app was built with XCODE 14 that the team IDs on the included Framework were changed to my own Team ID. The problem appears to be a bug introduced in XCODE 15 not the problem Eskimo talked about.

I have also run into this problem with an app using a 3rd party framework. Building and running the app with Xcode 14 works fine, building and running with Xcode 15 produces team ID errors on the 3rd party framework and it doesn't load. I also tried stripping the code signatures and re-signing the framework but it still didn't load properly.

This problem is still in Xcode 15.1 RC

The work around is what Eskimo suggests. The app will run if you turn off library validation. That will likely result in your app being rejected for the App Store.


I have some more info on this. The 3rd party developer package contains a framework and two bundles. The framework IS getting resigned to agree with my certificate but the bundles have not been. The framework tries to load one of the bundles which causes

/Users/{user}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CaptureEclipse-evfrpkqsoswzwsgrcttvdaqskqfx/Build/Products/Debug/CaptureEclipse.app/Contents/Frameworks/{vendor}.framework/Versions/A/{vendor}Image.bundle/Contents/MacOS/{vendor}Image' not valid for use in process: mapping process and mapped file (non-platform) have different Team IDs)

At the moment this does not appear to be fatal {for me} since neither my app nor the framework seems to call into the bundle, but this is likely causing log entries.

I tried adding the bundles as Embedded content and as "Copy Bundle Resources" but neither made a difference

I ported by project back to Ventura and Monterey machines so I could test with Xcode 14 and 13. I must have not noticed these errors before.

XCODE 15.0.1 causes "different Team ID" when loading 3rd party framework