SwiftChart with secondary Y Axis

I created a SwiftChart as below and I would like to have two YAxis, one for amount and the second for count. So, the amount YAxis is a different scale then the count YAxis. Does anybody have an example of this or shed some light on coding two different YAxis?


                                ForEach(seriesArt) { series in
                                    ForEach(series.chartSeries.chartEntry) {
                                            x: .value("Tier", $0.tier),
                                            y: .value("Price", $0.keyValue)
                                    .foregroundStyle(by: .value("Count", series.chartCategory))
                                    .position(by: .value("Price", series.chartCategory))
                            .frame(width: 400, height: 200)
                            .chartXAxis   {
                                AxisMarks(position: .bottom, values: .automatic) {
                            .chartYAxis {
                                AxisMarks(position: .leading, values: .automatic) { value in
                                    AxisGridLine(centered: true, stroke: StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1))
                                    AxisValueLabel() {
                                        if let intValue = value.as(Int.self) {
                                                .font(.system(size: 10))
                                .chartYAixs - for count sum by tier which needs to be a different scale from the amount YAxis

You can do something like this:

            AxisMarks(position: .leading, values: Array(stride(from: yMin(), through: yMax(), by: 5))){
                            axis in
                AxisTick(stroke: .init(lineWidth: 2.5)).foregroundStyle(.pink)
                    AxisValueLabel("\(Int((Double(axis.index)*5) + yMin()))", centered: false)
            AxisMarks(position: .trailing, values: Array(stride(from: yMin(), through: yMin()+30, by: 5))){
                axis in
                AxisTick(stroke: .init(lineWidth: 2.5)).foregroundStyle(.indigo)
                AxisValueLabel("\(Int(5*Double(axis.index))+10)", centered: false)

But then you'll need to normalise the values for the second axis hence all the hack code in my AxisValueLabel content.

I don't believe there's a more straight forward solution to your problem currently.

SwiftChart with secondary Y Axis