Deeper SVG integration into Xcode ?

Exporting SVG (XML) data for something like a six sided shape (hexagon) requires a piecemeal approach and very specific string needed for the XML to be rendered correctly:

    svgData += "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n"
    svgData += "<svg width=\"\(viewWidth)\" height=\"\(viewHeight)\" xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\">\n"

But there is also the addition of the obligatory prefix "M", followed by co-ordinate date, the postfixed "Z" finishing with path and colour data:

<path d=\"\(svgPathData)\" fill=\"\(randomColourSVG)\" /> \n

The trouble I ran into was the all important middling section that contained the x/y path data for multiple sides shapes.

Could this not simply be a method to pass through from UIBezierPath or CAShapeLayer so that Xcode does this for me, much like the convenience of .cgColor used after a UIColor ?

Basically, is SVG likely to get deeper integration ?

Deeper SVG integration into Xcode ?