3D model is darker than in Reality Composer Pro/preview showing

Hi, I'm trying to load some sample 3D models into my app, and I cannot figure out how to make lightning work. The model looks lighted up in Reality Composer Pro and preview but looks extremely dark when loaded. Any ideas on how to fix it?

The model is the Earth one you can easily get in composer pro when clicking add and searching for Earth. No other modifications have been made, thanks

var body: some View {
        Model3D(named: "EarthTest", bundle: realityKitContentBundle){ model in
                .rotation3DEffect(Rotation3D(angle: .degrees(isRotating), axis: .y))
                    withAnimation(.linear(duration: 30).repeatForever(autoreverses: false)) {
                        isRotating += 359
        placeholder: {

Accepted Reply

Hi there, I believe this is a known bug in Xcode. Can you try updating to the latest Xcode version and see if the issue has been resolved there? If not, please file a bug report on feedback assistant. Thanks!

  • I'm on Xcode 15.1 beta 3, and the issue still persists.

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Hi there, I believe this is a known bug in Xcode. Can you try updating to the latest Xcode version and see if the issue has been resolved there? If not, please file a bug report on feedback assistant. Thanks!

  • I'm on Xcode 15.1 beta 3, and the issue still persists.

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Thank you, that was it, turns out the last update fixes this! :)