Metrics in XCode Organizer stuck with margins of error


My team has noticed that starting around early-October 2023 all of our 90th and 50th percentile metrics in Organizer have been stuck with the "margin of error" detail, ranging from 10-20 percent.

We've been consistently using Organizer for over a year and usually see the margin of error for only for a couple days after a new app update is published - but now appear to be stuck without any clear reasons why. We've also tried on different versions of xcode 15, tried using "View -> Reload Organizer"; all with no success.

In general speak, our app:

  • has about a million sessions a day
  • has weekly releases
  • does not have metric issues in our other 3rd party libraries

Has something changed with the user opt-in for sharing data with developers? Has anyone else experienced this problem? Thanks

We have been noticing the same for our app as well. We are not seeing the metrics being updated though I can see crashes for those versions.

Anyone has had any luck here?

Metrics in XCode Organizer stuck with margins of error