iOS Xcode - ABPKPersonIDTracker not supported on this device

I am trying to use Vision framework in iOS but getting below error in logs. Not able to find any resources in Developer Forums. Any help would be appreciated!

ABPKPersonIDTracker not supported on this device
Failed to initialize ABPK Person ID Tracker
public func runHumanBodyPose3DRequest() {
        let request = VNDetectHumanBodyPose3DRequest()
        let requestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(url: filePath!)
        do {
            try requestHandler.perform([request])
            if let returnedObservation = request.results?.first {
                self.humanObservation = returnedObservation
        } catch let error{

On what type of device are you seeing this error? Are you using the simulator?

Have exactly same problem. Seems like simply log noise as it doesn't impact app itself.

These logs are unfortunately log noise, but will not impact the results

iOS Xcode - ABPKPersonIDTracker not supported on this device