How to add axis labels with DGCharts in Swift?

We are updating our code to work with DGCharts v.4.0 (previously Charts) and our previously working solution for adding labels for the x and y axis (see below) is now no longer working, as "ChartUtils" cannot be found.

Does anyone know how this can be achieved with DGCharts?

private extension LineChartYAxisRenderer {
    func renderTitle(title: String, inContext context: CGContext, x: CGFloat) {
        var foregroundColor = UIColor.darkGray

        foregroundColor = UIColor.secondaryLabel
        let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
            .font: self.axis.labelFont,
            .foregroundColor: foregroundColor
        // Determine the chart title's y-position.
        let titleSize = title.size(withAttributes: attributes)
        let verticalTitleSize = CGSize(width: titleSize.height, height: titleSize.width)
        let point = CGPoint(x: x, y: ((viewPortHandler.chartHeight - verticalTitleSize.height) / 2)-30)
        // Render the chart title.
        ChartUtils.drawText(context: context,
                            text: title,
                            point: point,
                            attributes: attributes,
                            anchor: .zero,
                            angleRadians: .pi / -2)

Does anyone know how this can be achieved with DGCharts?

We're using Swift5.

How to add axis labels with DGCharts in Swift?