Hi there, bit of an odd one, we have no idea how this happened but now we can't seem to figure out how to fix.
Our app requests Touch ID on macOS to authenticate a user. This is done in the ever so standard way [LAContent evaluatePolicy:...]... Functionally everything is fine, but for some reason there is no App Name on the system dialog... We don't even know when this started happening...
Our App Icon is there but not the name, it's blank so the dialog looks strange (see attached pic). The text doesn't really make sense without the App Name.
I wouldn't have even thought this was possible, the standard info.plist keys like CFBundleName and CFBundleDisplayName are all set correctly. Everything else seems totally fine. We're seeing this across every target/build/version/sku so it seems unrelated to a particular plist. There are no localizations for the App Name either, no InfoPlist.strings involved here.
What could cause this, does anyone know?
@eskimo, I'm afraid turning things up to 11 didn't help, so hoping you've got an idea?