Dear Sirs,
while it's quite clear that I'll try to write applications that do not crash unfortunately this can happen. In this case I'd like to write a detailed crash report including callstacks for all threads to my logfiles even from Release builds on the customers machine. So I started to do some tests with backtrace and backtrace_symbols and this already seems to solve a lot. Nevertheless I don't really get as close to the error report shown by the MacOS error report as I'd have hoped. I have a problem with demangling the C++ objects and I cannot get the line numbers. So something which looks like this in the Apple MacOS error report:
5 MyCrashTestApp 0x10445f150 CZMQConnection::CFnCalledWorkerThread::Thread() + 132 (ZMQConnection.cpp:1128)
looks like this in my callstack:
5 MyCrashTestApp 0x000000010445f150 _ZN14CZMQConnection21CFnCalledWorkerThread6ThreadEv + 132
I tried different ways of demangling with calls to abi::__cxa_demangle() and dladdr() beforehand but so far the output didn't change and the filename and line numbers are completely missing.
How can I achieve an output like the one of the Apple MacOS error report including the filenames and line numbers and will this also work on customers machines? How do i have to configure my C++ XCode project for this?
Thanks and best regards, Johannes