AudioUnit V2 app with RenderCallback glitchy audio on iOS 17 with iPhone 14/15


I have an app that has been developed with AudioUnit RemoteIO with renderCallbacks. The app has been performing fine, except on iOS 17 with devices like iPhone 14 or iPhone 15. On iPhone 14, the same app (a metronomic device) was performing fine with iOS 16, and when the customer updated to iOS 17, suddenly the audio was glitchy, had ghost sounds and sound artifacts.

This does not happen on iPhone 11 Pro with iOS 17 (works fine!). However, I have been able to reproduce it on iPhone 15 Pro with iOS 17. It works ok at lower BPM and when the BPM goes over a certain threshold, the audio starts getting glitchy. The audio buffers are precomputed, so the render callback is relatively straightforward.

Has anyone else seen this kind of issue on iPhone 14/iPhone 15 running iOS 17?

I'm following up with Apple on this, but thought I would see if others are facing similar issues with their apps.

Thanks, Sridhar

This looks like it may be the same as an emerging issue with Audio playback on iPhone 14 & 15 in Adobe Air I've cross referenced your thread so the Adobe Air guys at Harman ( ) may be in touch.

AudioUnit V2 app with RenderCallback glitchy audio on iOS 17 with iPhone 14/15