I have the following code adapted from AVCamManual sample code to set white balance. I still see crash reports in analytics where exception is raised in setting WB:
*** -[AVCaptureDevice temperatureAndTintValuesForDeviceWhiteBalanceGains:] whiteBalanceGains contain an out-of-range value - red, green, and blue gain
Here is my code, it is not clear how things are turning out of range.
public func normalizedGains(gains:AVCaptureDevice.WhiteBalanceGains) -> AVCaptureDevice.WhiteBalanceGains {
var g = gains
if let device = videoDevice {
g.redGain = max(1.0, g.redGain)
g.blueGain = max(1.0, g.blueGain)
g.greenGain = max(1.0, g.greenGain)
g.redGain = min(device.maxWhiteBalanceGain, g.redGain)
g.blueGain = min(device.maxWhiteBalanceGain, g.blueGain)
g.greenGain = min(device.maxWhiteBalanceGain, g.greenGain)
return g
And my code to set WB:
public func setTemperatureAndTint( colorTemperature:Float?, tint:Float?) {
if let device = videoDevice {
var tint = tint
var colorTemperature = colorTemperature
if colorTemperature == nil {
colorTemperature = device.temperatureAndTintValues(for: device.deviceWhiteBalanceGains).temperature
if tint == nil {
tint = device.temperatureAndTintValues(for: device.deviceWhiteBalanceGains).tint
let temperatureTint = AVCaptureDevice.WhiteBalanceTemperatureAndTintValues(temperature: colorTemperature!, tint: tint!)
NSLog("Setting tint \(temperatureTint.tint)")
do {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
device.setWhiteBalanceModeLocked(with: normalizedGains(gains: device.deviceWhiteBalanceGains(for: temperatureTint)) , completionHandler: nil)
wbLockedtoGray = false
} catch {
NSLog("Unable to change White balance gain \(error)")
Is there anything I am doing wrong?