Receiving OSStatus error code 268435465

Can you provide any information on why we might be getting OSStatus error code 268435465 while using Apple's Video Toolbox framework functionalities and how can we avoid getting it?

The OSStatus error code 268435465 corresponds to a kVTPropertyNotSupportedErr error in the Video Toolbox framework. This error indicates that the requested property is not supported or is not available for the given video asset or configuration.

Here are some common reasons why you might encounter this error and how to avoid it:

  1. Unsupported Property:

    • Check Property Documentation: Review the documentation for the Video Toolbox property you are trying to set or retrieve. Ensure that you are using a valid and supported property key.
    • Compatibility: Make sure that the property you are trying to use is compatible with the video asset or configuration you are working with. Some properties may only be applicable to certain video formats, encoders, or settings.
  2. Video Configuration:

    • Valid Video Configuration: Ensure that the video configuration you are using (e.g., pixel format, codec, resolution) is compatible with the operation you are attempting. Some properties may not be supported for certain video configurations.
    • Codec Support: Verify that the selected video codec supports the specific property you are trying to set. Not all properties are supported by all codecs.
  3. Hardware Limitations:

    • Hardware Capabilities: Keep in mind that certain properties may depend on the hardware capabilities of the device. Some properties may only be available on specific iOS or macOS devices with certain hardware features.
  4. iOS/macOS Version:

    • OS Compatibility: Check if the property you are trying to use is available on the iOS or macOS version you are targeting. Some properties may be introduced or deprecated in different OS versions.
  5. Property Ordering:

    • Set Properties in the Right Order: In some cases, the order in which you set properties can matter. Make sure you are setting properties in the correct sequence, especially when configuring a complex video pipeline.
  6. Error Handling:

    • Check for Errors: Always check the return values and error codes when working with Video Toolbox functions. If you receive a kVTPropertyNotSupportedErr error, handle it gracefully in your code and provide appropriate error messages to the user or log detailed information for debugging.
  7. Apple Documentation and Forums:

    • Consult Apple Documentation: Refer to Apple's official documentation for Video Toolbox and related frameworks for specific guidance on working with properties and configurations.
    • Apple Developer Forums: If you continue to encounter issues, consider searching or posting questions on the Apple Developer Forums. Developers and Apple engineers often provide insights and solutions to common problems.

By following these steps and carefully reviewing the documentation for the Video Toolbox framework and the specific properties you are working with, you can often pinpoint the cause of the kVTPropertyNotSupportedErr error and take appropriate corrective actions to avoid it.

Receiving OSStatus error code 268435465