Asking me for SiriKit entitlement when I'm not even using it

When I upload my build to transporter, I'm getting this error:

Asset validation failed (90679) Invalid App Bundle. The 'xxxxx' bundle in your app is missing the entitlement, which is required for all apps using SiriKit.

I don't even have SiriKit enabled, why is it asking me for this entitlement?

I'm just using IntentHandler and FamilyControls

I'm getting this today also. I feel like this must be a bug?!

Our app getting the same issue today! Feel like a bug for transporter.

Same. We're donating (and handling) INPlayMediaIntent.

I am getting the same error as well.

Our app has the same issue today.

We were facing the same issue for our App yesterday. Tried by exporting from Xcode as well as Transporter. Please help!

Getting this from yesterday for 2 of our apps as well.

One work around that worked for one app but failed for other app is

Adding Siri to YES in your Entitlements file.


by adding with open as source code and inserting


Spoke to Apple this morning. They had a look at this thread and will be getting back to me with an update shortly. I'll keep you posted here.

I've received a reply from Apple...

This is *** from Apple Developer Program Support. It was nice to speak with you today. 

As discussed on our call, we have now checked the details for you. We have found that the entitlement is required when using IntentHandler. 

The following documentation will outline the connection between SiriKit and apps using IntentHandler:

To clarify, it seems that in order for you to successfully upload builds going forward the entitlement will be required. 

I hope this is helpful to you. 

So it looks like we'll need to add the siri entitlement even though we're not using Siri. Which seems utterly bizarre to me but I guess we don't have any means to argue this.

I guess this must have changed on Wednesday evening with no warning.


I just hit this as well and it's a bit annoying. Updating the entitlements requires regenerating provisioning profiles and updating our CI/CD to build releases properly again.

Asking me for SiriKit entitlement when I'm not even using it