Handling reload of Widgets/Complications

I'm trying to find the best way to reload my Widgets and Complications. My App tries to show the current status vehicles. It gets the data using an API. And you don't know when this status changes. So I need to know when it makes sense to reload the widgets and complications.

Here is a quote from the documentation:

A widget’s budget applies to a 24-hour period. WidgetKit tunes the 24-hour window to the user’s daily usage pattern, which means the daily budget doesn’t necessarily reset at exactly midnight. For a widget the user frequently views, a daily budget typically includes from 40 to 70 refreshes. This rate roughly translates to widget reloads every 15 to 60 minutes, but it’s common for these intervals to vary due to the many factors involved.

This is by far the worst "definition" if ever seen :( There is a 24 period, but you don't know when it starts and you don't know how much max refreshes you have and you also don't know how many refreshes you have left.

How should someone develop a good solution with such a "definition"?

So, I would like to know how you handle this? Perhaps a Apple engineer could light me up here :)

No answers? Can I mention a Apple engineer here?

Handling reload of Widgets/Complications