Xcode 15 broke git view. How to revert to Xcode 14 git features?

The new git integration in Xcode 15 is absolutely awful. Apart from UI glitches I absolutely hate the new style. Is there a way to make it behave like it did with Xcode 14? Just a popup with all files selectable for the side-by-side comparison?

Especially with complex merge conflicts it was always better to use VSCode or other git tools. Now Xcode, instead of sticking to what was mostly working, tries to copy VSCode and fails miserably imo. Xcode 14 worked well enough, why change it?

But on a serious note: Are there settings to make it behave like it did in Xcode 14?


Well I too am having issues with Xcode 15 and git. I can see the normal file list with the "M" showing a change. But then the "stage all" and the commit-push doesn't work. I can sometimes get staging a single file to commit but even there it doesn't provide any feedback that it did the commit. I have to go to the GIT website and hope it worked.

As I have about 6 pods or other repositories that make up my app, this too seems to get an error saying it cannot communicate with GIT (on one of them). Maybe it takes too long.

Prior to Xcode 15 everything was working very nicely.

ditto - This new Git panel in XCode 15 really does appear to be buggy and unreliable, I find I myself resorting to launching Sourcetree or the terminal just to confirm what XCode has or has not actually done, which is not very comforting! I've also have situations where underneath the staging and pushing works fine but the UI doesn't update until several seconds later. I hate to say it but this situation appears to be typical, lately Apple are rushing out new and often un-needed/un-wanted "features" with ever increasing frequency and don't appear to be spending enough time on testing. Instead they leave it to us mere mortals to report the bugs for them.

Every time I use Integrate>Commit, X-code crashes. It also crashes when I click to view uncommitted changes, plus various other source control menu items. Frustrating because I want to push changes to Github so my coding partner can work with an updated version of the code. Any workarounds? I also have Github desktop loaded on my Mac.

Xcode 15 broke git view. How to revert to Xcode 14 git features?